Auto Insurance Discounts Available
3 Year Accident Free Discount
You earn this discount by going 3 years or more without having an at fault or not at fault accident.
5 year Accident Free Discount
This discount is earned by not have an accident in the last 5 years.
Multi-Policy Discount
Any time you have more than one policy with an insurance company you become eligible for the multi-policy discount.
Multi-Car Discount
This discount is automatically added when you have more than one vehicle on your policy.
Safe Driver Discount
You earn this discount by having not tickets or accidents.
Homeowner Discount
Just being a home owner earns you a discount.
Good Student Discount
If your child driver has a B (3.0) average or higher you could save money with this discount.
Advanced Quote Discount
shop your rate a few weeks before your renewal date.
Paperless Discount
Receiving all of your documents via email keeps the insurance company from having to print and pay postage and the savings are passed on to you in the form of a paperless discount
Prior Insurance Discount
having continuous insurance for 6 months or more will earn you the prior insurance discount.
Consult with an agent to find out what discounts you are eligible for.